caroline de vries

Photography, graphic design, and other art forms are vital to communicating ideas and excitement, which is why this online art & design portfolio has been created. This spans years of work with theaters, jazz/opera/rock/hip hop musicians, filmmakers, scientific researchers in sustainability, and other creatives in NYC.
A deep love for community, people, and planet drives me to learn and create. I am a curious and hardworking individual dedicated to connecting ideas and research on sustainability & equity in the built environment. Talk to me about connecting horticulturists, botanists, policymakers, community organizers, architects, urban planners, artists, and designers to create equitable & thriving ecosystems in urban centers.
Currently I am a grad student in the Master of Science in Sustainability Management program at Columbia University, graduating in April 2021. I serve as President of Build it Green, a student club connecting ideas and people on sustainability in the built environment. Previously, I worked with TED Conferences within the TEDx Headquarters in NYC, as well as in curriculum design in Brownsville, Brooklyn. I currently work in Academic Affairs in the School of International & Public Affairs at Columbia University.
New York City, Berlin, and the Netherlands are where I currently feel most at home. Ich kann auch Deutsch - bitte ruf mich an!
Some favorite quotes:
“When the forest and the city are functionally indistinguishable, then we know we’ve reached sustainability.”
- Janine Benyus, co-founder, Biomimicry Institute
"Masterpieces are not single and solitary births; they are the outcome of many years of thinking in common, by the body of the people."
- Virginia Woolf, from A Room of One's Own